Topic: When God Shows Up
Scripture: Ephesians 6:10, 10:20, 1:15-23, and Luke 10:18-24
-God through his power will take you somewhere
-Accepting God’s will is a sign of strength
-You can be overwhelmed by your own inabilities, but when God shows up…
-When God shows up promises are met
-You must believe God is able and your situations will turn around
-When God shows up supernatural things begin to happen in your life
-When God shows up healing shows up, restoration shows up
-When God shows up he can do whatever whenever to whomever when he wants, If it’s in his will for your life
-Stand on God’s word. Get in the book be a believer and study/know his word
-There is no power here on earth that can outdo God’s power
-You are a son and daughter of the most High God, because of that we have privileges.
-Have a little y’all with Jesus He will answer your prayers
-Be obedient to God’s instruction! He will show up
-When you are obedient God will show up and obstacles will be removed from your path
-God can work through anybody who has faith in Him. Your past does not matter, God can use anybody
-The problem with the inability is in our actions. Action in our calling to the glory of God
-Release you inabilities to the power to God
When God Shows up we have
-Endless energy
-Boundless strength
-Anointing= Power
-Jesus has the final word on everything
-When you are filled with the presence of Jesus you are filled with the Power of God
-It’s in Gods ability, not man stop look at man’s ability, it’s God’s ability through man
-We have been given the power of God to be an overcomer
-When the power of God shows up everything comes under submission
-Everything is under submission to God
-What is He to you?
-Whatever He is to you make it personal
-When God shows up tell Him thank you
-Don’t doubt the power of God
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