Oct 11, 2020
Prayer series part III
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13
Our Father= The Who in heaven we ought to pray to
He’s on Heaven’s Throne an amble God
Faithlessness has no place in our prayers
Anything outside the will of God won’t happen
We reap what we sow
Practice Kindness (kindness will be extended back to us)
Consider when praying:
-Hallowed- reminder of His holiness
-must be approached in fear and reverence
Cannot get to the Father unless you go by the Son
The name of Jesus- there is just something about His name
Luke 10:17
Mark 16
Acts 4:12
Romans 10:13, 28:19
Healing comes
Salvation comes in His name
Baptized, and Justified
God has the power even when we don’t have the faith Matthew 7:14-28
God is not dependent on our faith
God often requires our faith in carrying out His purpose
Nothing is impossible with God
Genesis 18:13
What does it mean when we pray in Jesus’s name~
1. We are admitting the bankruptcy of our own name
2. We identify with the person of Jesus Christ
3. Asking by authority associated with His name, able to get what I’m asking for
Our authority exists under His authority
Contrary prayer will never be answered
4. We are representing Him and His interest here on earth
5. Pray expectedly in accordance with value of His life
Matthew 6:10
The What= The Kingdom
A request for Jesus to return to earth
Kingdom refers to dominion, sovereignty
Christ’s rule on earth (praying for)
Praying for- literally for the kingdom of God to be realized in our own life
If you are saved the kingdom of God is in you Luke 17:21
It’s not about us but about Him
Matthew 6:33
He needs to be in absolute control of our lives
When we talk about our we are speaking about community
There are benefits associated with relationships.
Most are reactive in prayer not proactive
Have you surrendered to the Lord?
How can you expect God to answer your prayers when you can’t forgive someone as Christ has forgiven you?
God’s power is mighty.
His reach is big
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