Scripture: Roman 12:1
Topic: The Pleasing Aroma of Living Worship
-Deceptions lead to distractions
-Distractions are the enemies way to take us away from the main thing
The main thing
-Jesus main issues his death burial and resurrection
-Discouraged = you are walking in the flesh and not in the spirit
-Doubt creeps in when we stop focusing on the word of God
-How do we fight against deception discouragement, doubt to where our living aroma is pleasing to God
-How are you living? Is your life pleasing to God?
-The pleasing aroma comes from:
-A life completely offered up to God
Our sacrifice is living. To be constant
God demands a life totally given over to Him
Live as a daily expression of Praise to Him
Do not let sin control the way you live
-Comes from a life divorced from the world
Divorced from the world , the desires, and the passions of the world
Be a lover of God or the world cling to one and renounce the other
– Comes from a life that knows and obeys God
– Heaven will be had only by those that love Him
– Commit ourselves
– Do His will
– Be willing to stand upright for Him
– Allow Him to nourish us
– Give it all to the Glory of God and allow Him to work in us.
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