On July 26, 1958, the New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church was organized. To oversee this development, God placed in charge Rev. W.M. Bowie Jr., pastor of True Light Missionary Baptist Church who served as moderator, assisted by Rev. Earnest Hogan, Rev. R.F. Green, and Rev. F.N. Houston. A recommendation came from Bro. E.R. Brew that stated that this newly organized group be known as “New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church” and the recommendation was accepted by the body. It was moved by Rev. T.E. Harper, second by Rev. Earnest Hogan and carried that Rev. W.J. Profit be called as Pastor. In 1997, the church was incorporated and the name was changed to “New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.” on Bonazzi.
In the early years, the late Pastor W. J. Profit and the late Sis. Dorothy Profit, allowed worship services to take place in the double car garage of their home. 10 members came forward and accepted membership on that night.
By faith, in 1961, 1 acre of land was purchased and paid for in a short period of 2 years. In 1961 God showed favor by touching the hearts of the school board members of Klein I.S.D. and the church was allowed to have worship service in Garden City Elementary School. In 1964 phase 1 of our present edifice was erected and dedicated to God. In 1973, 2 more acres of land was purchased for the purpose of building a multi-purpose building. In 1974 phase two began and there was added to the edifice a library, ladies’ lounge, and two new offices for the Pastor and secretary. In 1984-1985 during phase three, there was constructed an East and West wing.
Since our spiritual conception, God allowed for us to meet, grow and fall in love with some 490 people over the 52 years of ministry. We thank God for those two members who have remained faithful, Rev. & Sis. T. E. Harper. In January 2005, God called home to rest Founder and Pastor W.J. Profit. Many challenges presented themselves in the year of our operation without an “Under Shepherd”; however God does not and will not leave his children alone. In January of 2006 God did exactly what he said he would do in Jeremiah 3:15, “and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding”.
That gift came in the person of Rev. De’Von Delonte Jackson. This man of God, man of obedience, and man of faith, is committed to “Equipping the Saints, To Evangelize the World, While Glorifying the Savior”.

In 2006, primarily due to the blessings of God first and the generosity of the people, the entire church parking lot was repaved, a new computer system was purchased and the church sound system was upgraded. In the year of 2007, the interior of the church was painted, church offices where made secure, and reserved parking places were constructed for the founding pastor’s widow, Sis. L. J. Profit, guest ministers and Pastor Jackson.
Then in 2008, the very foundation of our faith was tested as we had to deal with the audacity of hurricane Ike. Jesus said in Matthew 6:18b “and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against It”. Ike’s devastation caused the church to look at needed areas of modifications. Though tough, the church did maintain and proved itself to be a “church built upon a rock”.

In the year of 2009, the vision called for a sign to be placed on the property in front of the community, remodeled pulpit, choir stand, baptistery and relocation/construction of a sound room. In that same year the kindness of members showed and 16 chandeliers along with 20 chairs for the choir stand were purchased. We now have our very first church web site and our ministry efforts are on you-tube.